After years of clinical research with prenatal formulations we have found the prenatal sector of nutritional supplements to be some of the most dangerous and unhealthy formulations.
How can we make such a bold, challenging statement? Our findings have documented not only the deficiencies of many formulations but also validated the fact that companies are adding outlawed poisons to their formulations.
Keep in mind that pregnancy is the most important time to ensure that you are taking safe, potent nutrients in order to support the healthy growth of your baby.
Many formulations that we tested provided a limited vitamin formulation that was focused on providing enough folic acid to prevent neural tube defects (birth defects). However, there is a lot more to the health of your child besides the prevention of one type of birth defect.
Many formulations had minimal, if any, minerals in the formulations. This lack of minerals can be attributed to the muscle cramping experienced in late pregnancy and the post-partum depression experienced after birth. Your body requires certain minerals to make serotonin (The Happy Hormone) and without adequate levels you may experience depression after birth. Unfortunately, after birth this problem is usually managed by providing you with a lifetime prescription to anti-depressants with no assessment of nutrient values necessary to create hormone balance.
Many formulations had minimal, if any, essential fatty acids (omega 3 fish oils). These types of oils are essential to provide healthy growth of your child's brain and spinal cord. Numerous studies have confirmed the link between adequate Omega 3 oil and your child's intelligence later in life! Some formulations put these delicate oils in the same tablet with minerals which can unfortunately breakdown and damage these essential oils.
Partially hydrogenated oils have been outlawed in restaurants in the entire state of California and New York City and we expect them to be taken off the market nationwide in the future. The concern with partially hydrogenated oils is their ability to promote cancer, abnormal blood sugar levels and premature aging. More and more research is published every year documenting more and more harmful attributes of this dangerous substance.
Partially Hydrogenated Oils in Your Prenatal!
Yes, this is a fact. After having to be resuscitated after reading labels of numerous prenatal vitamins recommended by doctors across the country, such as PrimaOne, we regretfully inform you that this substance is being added to prenatal vitamins by pharmaceutical companies.
Who Is Making Your Vitamins?
Purchasing vitamins from a drug company is like asking for financial advice from a bankruptcy attorney! Dr. Sydney Baker, a world-renowned integrative medical physician, stated that it took conventional medicine 25 years after research proved the risk of birth defects from folic acid deficiency, before it was added to prenatal vitamins. During that period of time, thousands of children were born with unnecessary, permanent birth defects.
The Ultimate Prenatal is the most advanced prenatal vitamin incorporating:
1. Complete Prenatal Vitamin
2. Comprehensive Multimineral
3. Essential Oils for Brain Development
4. Bone Supporting Formula to Protect Mom
5. Advanced Anemia Formulation
Don't compromise when it comes to the development of your new born.
The Ultimate Prenatal will provide the insurance you need to provide all the nutrients for proper development of your child.