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Relax & Calm


Introducing the Unique, 2 in 1 Formula Designed to Reduce Anxiety and Enhance Sleep

Many individuals in our society are stressed out trying to keep up with the fast-paced, 21st century lifestyle. Daily demands are increasing while the number of hours in a day remains the same. Societal expectations are also becoming increasingly unrealistic in regards to how we look, how much we earn and what we accomplish. These unrealistic expectations lead to chronically elevated anxiety levels that can manifest into ill health and disease. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety disorders are the most common mental illnesses, affecting around 40 million adults and cost more than $42 billion a year.

Chronic Anxiety May Lead to the Development of:

• Depression

• Headaches

• Poor Quality of Life (QOL)

• Digestive Problems

• Chronic Pain

• Insomnia/Sleep Disturbances

A majority of individuals who suffer from chronically elevated anxiety levels also sleep poorly and suffer from insomnia. This is a vicious cycle, as anxiety causes poor sleep and poor sleep further increases anxiety levels. Approximately 81 million Americans suffer from difficulties with nighttime sleep and almost 10 million of those individuals are using medication to get to sleep. A recent survey showed that insomnia cost the U.S. around $63 billion annually in lost work performance.

A Short Stint of Insomnia Can Cause:

• Fatigue

• Inability to focus or concentrate

• Poor memory

• Mood disturbance

• Daytime sleepiness

• Low motivation or energy

• Increased errors or accidents

Most Americans suffering from poor sleep resort to prescription sleeping pills as a solution to the problem without investigating the many side effects common with the use of these medications.

Common Side Effects of Sleeping Pills:

• Headaches

• Muscle aches

• Constipation

• Dry mouth

• Daytime sleepiness

• Trouble concentrating

• Dizziness

• Rebound insomnia

The Relax & Calm Difference

Relax and Calm is a clinically validated, hormone-free, 2 in 1 product that promotes peaceful days and restful nights featuring a calming amino acid, natural herbal ingredients and a relaxing mineral.


This gentle amino acid is naturally found in green tea and has been shown to promote relaxation without causing drowsiness by increasing alpha waves in the brain. Alpha waves are known to induce an alert and relaxed mental and physical state. Research has shown that L-theanine reaches the brain and increases alpha wave activity within 40 minutes of ingestion.1

Valerian Root, Passion Flower and Hops Extracts

The herb that has received the most attention for its ability to promote restful sleep is valerian root extract. Evidence from randomized trials suggest it has the ability to induce sleep without producing significant negative residual effects.2,3,4,5

It appears valerian root extract’s ability to induce sleep is further enhanced when additional herbal extracts are used in conjunction, promoting a synergistic sleep-enhancing effect. A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial showed that a combination supplement of valerian extract (300 mg), passionflower extract (80 mg) and hops extract (30 mg) was able tooutperform the benzodiazepine drug zolpidem in improving some markers of sleep in subjects diagnosed with primary insomnia.6 In just 2 weeks, subjects using the herbal combination supplement were able to sleep an additional 150 minutes longer (72.5% improvement) and fell asleep 60.4 minutes faster (71.9% improvement) on average compared to baseline. These improvements were superior to the improvements seen in subjects using the drug zolpidem, who were able to sleep an additional 129 minutes longer (60.8% improvement) and fell asleep 63.6 minutes faster (70.6% improvement) compared to baseline.



  1. Juneja, L. R., Chu, D. C., Okubo, T., Nagato, Y., & Yokogoshi, H. (1999). L-theanine—a unique amino acid of green tea and its relaxation effect in humans. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 10(6), 199-204.

  2. 2. Gyllenhaal C, Merritt SL, Peterson SD, Block KL, Gochenour T. Effi cacy and safety of herbal stimulants and sedatives in sleep disorders. Sleep Med Rev 2000;4:229-51.

  3. Meoli AL, Rosen C, Kristo D, et al. Oral nonprescription treatment for insomnia: An evaluation of products with limited evidence. J Clin Sleep Med 2005;1:173-87.

  4. Stevenson C, Ernst E. Valerian for insomnia : A systematic review of randomized clinical trials. Sleep Med 2000;1:91-9.

  5. Hallam KT, Olver JS, McGrath C, Norman TR. Comparative cognitive and psychomotor effects of single doses of valeriana officianalis and triazolam in healthy volunteers. Hum Psychopharmacol 2003;18:619-25.

  6. Maroo, N., Hazra, A., & Das, T. (2013). Efficacy and safety of a polyherbal sedative-hypnotic formulation NSF-3 in primary insomnia in comparison to zolpidem: a randomized controlled trial. Indian journal of pharmacology, 45(1), 34.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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